
So Life Is Just Too Much Fun!

I have been absent from my blog planning my youngest daughter"s wedding and recovering from my middle daughter's wedding three months ago.  I immediately posted the few photographs of Samantha's wedding (which was yesterday) on flickr to share with friends and to post anything other people may have taken.

Wedding Day Snapshots

My three girls love to tease each other and laugh.  All day long they were quoting lines from wedding movies.  I think this photograph shows them laughing over a mean quote from "Bride Wars", you know how sisters can blurt out the same thing at the same time?  It was an unbelievably wonderful day and I don't want to go back to regular workaday life just yet.

If you need a good laugh, join images from other photographers in this weeks Iheartfaces.com challenge called "Bust a Gut" on Monday November 28!  Have Fun!