
Other People Say Such Clever Things!

So I am back to blogging because I am a pretty sick puppy and can't sleep with the growing sack of concrete in my abdomen.  So I read posts in photography groups.  Yeah, there are lots of groups on the internets but I have to say...photographers are a funny bunch of people.  The crack me up in the middle of the night while I sit perched on my swivel chair listening to the rythmic snoring of my old man.  

One such discussion started with someone asking about Kinfolk Magazine and Anthropologie.  Us photographers notice imagery and often have our favorites.  We note trends to use in our wedding and portrait work to make our clients happy.  They like when they feel like they are magazine worthy.
Some of us noticed that maybe our favorites are a little bland and repetitive and this is my favorite comment...(I gave it a heading...my new inspirational poster).  

A note about ARTISANAL.  I chose it over Artisan because I associate the latter with Starbucks Baristas and their tendancey to pronounce it Artesian.  There's a difference between Handmade and Water!  With all the college education amongst Baristas working so hard to pay off student loans, you would think they could properly pronounce the word!

Back to the funny photographers...more cleverness ensued.  I asked to quote Ms. Christina and she replied with this gem...

Now I find this even more perversely funny with the recent controversy in the photography world by a certain rockstar photographer instructor regarding plagiarism.  (Google Jasmine Star and plagiarism if you must know).  I certainly did not want to participate in such a hot button issue as a word thief.  So I've immortalized her words and will repin them as well.

In the spirit of irony, I leave you with one of my creative endeavors which I'm thinking of printing really big and hanging in my dining room as sentinels during dinner parties.  I promise not to text invite anyone after others have cancelled.  I hate that!  http://www.pinterest.com/pin/168110998564456945/